בדיקת Genomind מידע לרופאים
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ג'נומיינד (Genomind) היא הבדיקה הפרמקוגנטית (PGx) המתקדמת ביותר בפסיכיאטריה. היא בודקת 26 גנים, הקשורים לפירוק תרופות. קבלת תשובת הבדיקה בתוך 10 ימים מנטילת דגימת הרוק, בצורת דו"ח מעמיק ונוח לקריאה. הדו"ח מכיל מידע פרמקוגנטי על יותר מ-123 תכשירים פסיכיאטריים, והתאמתם הגנטית לנבדק. מחקרים שנערכו על הבדיקה הוכיחו את יתרונותיה בקיצור הזמן להשגת אפקט טיפולי ושיפור הההיענות לטיפול.

אילו תרופות נבדקות
בבדיקת Genomind

איך לקרוא את הדו"ח?

סרטון הסבר קצר (04:25) וברור, בעברית, לפסיכיאטרים ואנשי מקצוע

הרצאה של פרופ' סטיבן סטול

נגן וידאו

When, Why & How to Integrate PGx Testing into Clinical Practice– Dr. Stahl, APA Conference (2019)

סרטון הסבר לקהל הרחב

נגן וידאו
מצגת ג'נומיינד

מחקרים ומאמרים

This case-control study looked at health care utilization and costs among patients with mood disorders and anxiety disorders following use of the Genomind Genecept Assay® (cases, N=817) compared to similar patients whose treatment was not directed by phamacogenomic testing (controls, N=2,745). Conducted in the database of a large U.S. insurer (Aetna), patients were matched by diagnosis, comorbidities, demographic features, including age, gender, socioeconomic status, and other dimensions such as duration of illness and number of prior treatment failures. In the 6 month period following testing, cases experienced fewer all-cause emergency room visits and fewer all-cause in-patient hospitalizations (p<0.0001 for both). Overall 6 month health care costs were $1,948 lower in individuals who received phamacogenomic testing via the Genomind Genecept Assay than controls. The number of psychotropic drugs prescribed did not differ between the groups. The authors concluded that this savings was clinically meaningful, and that pharmacogenetic testing represents a promising strategy to reduce costs and utilization among patients with mood disorders and anxiety disorders.

This paper, intended for nurses involved in the care of mental health patients, reviews the emerging field of psychiatric pharmacogenomics, and how tests such as the Genomind Genecept Assay can be used to tailor pharmacologic approaches to individual patients. It is well known that many patients do not respond to initial pharmacologic therapy of psychiatric illness such as major depressive disorder (MDD). The role of specific genes associated with symptomatology, drug pharmacokinetics (metabolism of the compound), treatment response, and tolerability is described.
Amato RJ et al. Pharmacogenomics and Psychiatric Clinical Care. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2018 56(1):22-1313.

This study was a follow up analysis of the open-label study (Brennan 2015) referenced below. In this analysis the authors retrospectively looked at a subset of participants with variants of SLC6A4 (the serotonin transporter gene) and MTHFR (encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). Individuals with these variants whose subsequent treatment was consistent with the assay-guided treatment per the Genomind Genecept Assay tended to fare better on several self-reported outcomes than those individuals whose subsequent treatment was discordant with the assay. Specifically, individuals with SLC6A4 variants and assay-guided treatment reported significantly better quality of life outcomes.

This was a naturalistic, un-blinded, prospective analysis of psychiatric patients and clinicians who utilized the commercially available Genomind Genecept Assay. Results demonstrated a substantial proportion of individuals receiving pharmacogenetic testing showed clinically significant improvements on multiple measures of symptoms, adverse effects, and quality of life, over 3 months. When comparing response rates of patients receiving pharmacogenetic testing to the STAR*D trial, we found response rates for patients who use genetic testing far exceed the STAR*D reported response rates at all treatment levels. These data demonstrate that the incorporation of pharmacogenetic information into the treatment of patients with mood disorders and anxiety disorders produces benefits in depression and anxiety symptoms, side effects, and overall functioning.

This large retrospective study utilized medical claims databases of U.S. patients covered by commercial health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. Patients with a psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, and use of the Genomind Genecept Assay® were identified and compared with age and disease severity-matched controls that had a psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, but no use of the Assay. Patients using the Genomind Genecept Assay® showed a statistically significant increase in adherence to medication compared with untested controls, of 6.0%. Overall costs (cost of drugs plus outpatient practitioner medical activity) were significantly lower in those with the Genomind Genecept Assay® guided treatment. Over a 4-month follow-up period, those with the Genomind Genecept Assay® guided treatment demonstrated a relative cost savings of 9.5%, or $562 in total savings.
Fagerness J et al. Pharmacogenetic-Guided Psychiatric Intervention Associated With Increased Adherence and Cost Savings. American Journal of Managed Care. 2014;20(5):e146-e156.

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אין במידע ו/או בתכנים המופיעים במאמר משום מתן עצה רפואית, חוות דעת מקצועית, תחליף להתייעצות עם מומחה או מתן אבחנה בנוגע לטיפול במצב רפואי מסויים. לשם קבלת ייעוץ אישי יש לפנות להתייעצות עם רופא בתחום המומחיות המתאים. מבלי לגרוע מכלליות האמור, כל הסתמכות על התכנים המופיעים במאמר ופעולה על פיהם נעשים על אחריותך הבלעדית והמלאה ולא תהיה לך כל תביעה ו/או טענה ו/או דרישה כנגד כותבי ומפרסמי המאמר או מי מטעמם, בגין נזקים הנובעים משימוש במידע הכלול במאמר זה.